Bespoke Business Training Limited (BBT) are committed to protecting your privacy and security. This policy explains how and why we use any of your personal data, so you remain informed and in control of your information. This policy has been created to reflect the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that came into effect on 25th May 2018, and it will demonstrate how BBT uses personal information that is processed.
How BBT Collects And Uses Your Data
Your personal data, meaning any information which may identify you, or which can be identified as relating to you personally, will only be collected and used with your consent by Bespoke Business Training Limited (Company No. 11897978).
Personal Data You Provide
We will only collect the data that you provide to us. This includes the information that is given by you when you are making an enquiry through the website, when you are using our services, when you meet one of our employees regarding business, or when you are communicating with us. This includes:
Data From Social Media
From time to time data may be collected from social media where permission has been given, or if posted on one of BBT’s social media sites.
Sensitive Information
Personal information that is sensitive is never sought or normally collected. Sometimes this may occur if needed for a particular event (such as dietary needs, where food is going to be served .) Such information will normally not be stored and necessary steps will be taken to keep it confidential until it is deleted. Another situation where personal information may be collected is when an accident or incident occurs during one of our events or involving our employees. Some information may need to be kept for a period as a record (or for legal purposes), but when it is no longer needed it will be deleted.
How Information Is Used
Your personal information will be used only with your consent, or when we need to:
The main purpose of collecting and using your personal information is usually for administration purposes that helps to assist us in running our business, and delivering the high standard of service we aspire for our customers.
Sharing or Disclosing Personal Information
This policy is our assurance that BBT will never sell on your personal information. Occasionally some personal data is shared with clients or others who provide their services to us. Again, we give complete assurance that anything that is shared will be done so under an obligation that imposes strict requirements to keep your information confidential and secure.
Sometimes we may work with other organisations which require us to share information with them, such as a jointly held event. We give assurance that information will only be shared when necessary, and with the requirement that it is kept confidential and secure.
Users Of BBT’s Website
When a user visits a third party service may be used, such as Google Analytics, that will collect log-on information and page visitor’s information patterns. This is done to find out the number of visitors to each of the pages on the website. We provide assurance that the information collected will not identify anyone, and neither will any attempt be made to find out the identity of any users of the website. Only when someone completes the website contact forms and sends us the information, or when asked in a completely clear way, will identifiable information be collected.
Website Contact Form
The BBT website uses a contact form to collect information from a visitor, which will then be used to respond to their enquiry. The site also uses a subscribe form to collect email addresses from those who would like to hear more information on our services. The details that are collected are stored within the secure servers of GoDaddy in the United States of America, who host BBT’s website, as well as on BBT’s own computers. For more information on the storage of your information, as well as on GoDaddy’s own privacy policy, please go to the section below on ‘Where Is Your Data Stored?’
Links To Other Sites
From time to time, BBT’s website may contain hyperlinks to other websites. BBT does not hold any responsibility for the content, functionality or security of any of those external websites, including if their security is breached by another party.
If one of those websites requests personal information from you, what information you provide will not be covered by BBT’s Privacy Policy. We would highly recommend not sharing any personal information if you are unsure, and also that you read that website’s own privacy policy.
Use Of Cookies
When you first come on to the BBT website, you should receive a message with regard to the use of cookies on the site. By clicking accept, you are allowing the use of cookies from our site.
If you are unsure what a cookie is, here is an explanation:
“An HTTP cookie ….. is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer by the user's web browser while the user is browsing. Cookies were designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember information (such as items added in the shopping cart in an online store) or to record the user's browsing activity (including clicking particular buttons, logging in, or recording which pages were visited in the past). They can also be used to remember arbitrary pieces of information that the user previously entered into form fields such as names, addresses, passwords…….Authentication cookies are the most common method used by web servers to know whether the user is logged in or not, and which account they are logged in with….. Tracking cookies, and especially third-party tracking cookies, are commonly used as ways to compile long-term records of individuals' browsing histories –…. European law requires that all websites targeting European Union member states gain "informed consent" from users before storing non-essential cookies on their device.” – Reference:
Protecting Your Data
We use a number of measures to keep your personal information safe and prevent unauthorised access to it. It is stored on protected computer systems and access to it is controlled. All BBT’s employees will have been required to read through a copy of the company’s privacy policy, and to ensure that they themselves also comply with it.
Where Is Your Data Stored?
Although Bespoke Business Training are based in the UK, some of your data is stored on secure servers in the United States with BBT’s web hosting services provided by GoDaddy, as well as on BBT’s computers in the UK. GoDaddy provide assurance to all their clients of the privacy and security of all information stored on their servers, through their privacy policy found here:
How Long BBT Stores Your Information
BBT will only use and store your personal information for as long as required for the purposes it was collected. How long personal information will be stored by BBT depends on the information and what it is being used for e.g. if you no longer wish to subscribe, your email will no longer be stored. Information will be reviewed from time to time to decide what is no longer required, and when it is not needed or required, or if it is requested to by yourself, your information will be erased from our computers, as well as on our host servers.
You Are In Control
It is BBT’s objective that you are in control of your personal information. This includes ensuring that you are aware of your legal rights. This will include your rights:
The only possible exceptions to the above rights are if ours on any other clients personal rights are not being upheld, or because of any legal requirements.
Making A Complaint Regarding The Collection Or Use Of Your Personal Information
If you want to make a complaint about the collection or use of your personal information, or if you believe that your data protection or privacy rights have been encroached upon or infringed, please do contact BBT on the form provided on the website, or at this email address –
If you do not believe that BBT has handled your complaint in a professional manner, or indeed has ignored your complaint, you can also complain to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office which regulates and enforces data protection law in the UK. Details of how this can be done can be found at
Any Changes to This Privacy Policy
From time to time BBT will amend this Privacy Policy so that it remains updated, and that it accurately and correctly refleBBT how and why BBT uses personal data. Current versions of BBT’s Privacy Policy will always be posted on our website.
Any Questions?
If you do have any questions in relation to BBT’s privacy policy, or indeed how your personal information is being used, please send an email to BBT on
Last updated February 2024.
Bespoke Business Training Ltd (Company No. 11897978) is registered in the United Kingdom.
Registered Address: 4-6 East Street, Havant. PO9 1AQ
Copyright © 2024 Bespoke Business Training Ltd - All Rights Reserved.
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